Thursday, December 24, 2009

merry christmas...

yes, it is christmas eve & i have only just made my wreath & put it on the front door...excuse the photo as i am banned from going out the door. apparently santa is hard at work on something not for my eyes..and the photo is from my iphone.

frankly i am grateful for the end of this year. it has been a shocker for us & i look forward to starting afresh soon.

but we survived it.....well, 5 out of 6 of us survived it. sadly our budgie died a month ago. and i had nothing to do with it. i am still missing him as we had many great memories with that guy. remember the vindaloo dive, the survival of his pedicure & the cornflour rescue? for those who are new, read my posts about this famous little bird.
the rest of the year went a bit like this:
  • hysterectomy - check
  • man mid-life crisis - check
  • worst in-laws in the world - check
  • best kids report cards ever - check
  • best friends ever - check
  • best boys ever - check
  • boosted inner strength - check
  • more grey hair - check
  • some finished craft - check
  • alot of unfinished craft - check
i have a lot to be grateful for & i am blessed with some wonderful people around me.
take care & i wish you all a merry christmas & happy new year.
i am off to finish making the rum punch & maybe have a taste test or two.

Monday, December 21, 2009

pre-christmas meltdown

i warned my husband yesterday i could feel a pre-christmas meltdown know when you know you are about to be a real bitch but just cannot stop yourself. or is that just me?
i have nothing to complain about really. but i think my hormones are just telling me to tread lightly & a pre-warning for the family is always a great idea wouldn't you say?
my remedy for times like this:
  • retreat to my study for uninterrupted craft/pretending to craft time
  • coffee & a new magazine
  • no household chores.....i can dream!
  • no one asking me to do something for them...not even get lunch!!
i tried these remedies yesterday afternoon & i had not longer than 10 minutes alone before i had to be, i fear my meltdown may still happen.
i absolutely adore my family & having the boys on holidays but i am also the sort of girl who needs some space too....unlike a certain gorgeous friend who cannot bare her own company......
anyhow, with the boys already being on holidays for 3 weeks & my man also home on long service leave, i have been managing my time in the car on the way to work. and it's not actually working for me people. i am heading off soon for an hour out alone...just a million other shoppers for company!
like a said.....meltdown were warned! from flicker

Thursday, December 10, 2009

ho ho ho...& a knicker mystery

well i hope you are all more organized than me for this cheery part of the year. november was full of high hopes but my shopping died in the arse big time....even after my great start.

well i got with my mum for a weekend of cafes, window shopping, shopping for me, dancing in the crowd at mamma mia, drinking wine. and that was just sydney.

then a few days at the coast with my boys and, monopoly, movies

and then straight after night duty, a quick sleep & off to our little work xmas party. loads of yummy indian food, champagne, wine & a sleepover for me at a girlfriends house.
and then a 2 day recovery. i am so not wine fit at the moment.

and then straight back into work where i never seem to even get to pee, eat or hang with the other cool chicks. same old staff, many babies arriving.

i figured it must be the silly season though as after work yesterday i found my knickers in my bag i take to work...i know i left the house with a pair on. and i returned home with a pair i have a knicker mystery on my hands....& i don't think i shall go on further about that!

and next week it is a friends catch up for kids, dinner with friends, haircuts, a 40th birthday for my man & hopefully the xmas shopping. i struggle with being in the regular saturday morning crowds at the shops, so i will be needing all the help i can get to brave the shops next week. they tell me it is crazy already.

ps... this gorgeous wreath is from here with the tutorial. if only i had time to sit & make it. it is absolutely gorgeous!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

cuckoo & freezer!

ok blogworld. need your help. i need a cuckoo clock on a budget. so, i am thinking of stencilling with freezer paper...cause i hear it's dead simple. one big problem. no american freezer paper here that i can get my hands on quickly. well, not that any has come to my attention...
so, after emailing one blogger & obviously sounding like a complete lunatic, i am putting it out to the universe. this usually works for me.
so, if you know where i can buy some here in aus, or if you are a blogger willing to do me a favour & post some to me, please email me. i am happy to pay for it!! just not what they charge per sheet as some online shops.
as an aside, i had my appointment with my psychic friend for some questions i had for him...i was wearing my cuckoo clock brooch. as i do. and he tells me his guide is pointing at my brooch giggling & telling him to look...he then tells me i am completely mentally stable even though i am wearing a cuckoo clock. but i knew that already thanks very much!
my friend will be cuckoo too with her little one for christmas....

ps my brooch from from here. love her style & blogged about her before. doesn't it just make you a mentally stable sorta way!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

hot mess!

no, not!
i am hot & my house is a mess!
it was about 36 degrees here today & it was so hot i even got in the pool with the boys after school. i am a get in real quick, cool off without getting my hair wet sort of swimmer. you know the & out before i get splashed too much. boys don't get it.
i would much rather head in after dark for a quiet nudie swim when everybody is asleep....well they were supposed to be asleep. we got sprung one night by the kids! very funny story but will spare you the least until another time.
just wanted to say a quick thanks to all the LDS girls who have emailed me/left a comment. you are all so sweet & i wish i could come to one of your crafty sessions....more on LDS again soon.
today was about orthodontists, keeping up fluids, trying the new bakery - choc brownie, carrot cake & cupcakes all was too hot to cook, cooling down & delaying the housework another day....all in all a lazy day. but i needed it! is not my pool but cool eh? i think it came from but found it months ago...

Friday, November 13, 2009

tote tote...

tote making. like little handbags. you know. not for the groceries but for a magazine, sunnies, phone & a quick trip to the beach...or shops.
for my shop. feeling nervous about revealing them to the world though.
i have been channelling my inner nanna & rediscovering my crochet skills too. my totes will have a little embellishment to make them extra spesh.
and i am on the job designing some other bits..... like only i can do..... all in my head spinning around. from iphone....batteries dead in camera

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


remember when you were a kid in closed-minded rural australia...well maybe i am reliving my childhood...but you get the idea. well, i remember growing up in a world where there was no other religion other than being a catholic...& you certainly didn't question it or dare to think the hip cute new priest in town was actually cute...i was 18!
as i grew up & saw the locals praying on sundays & banging someone else's husband/wife during the week, i started to question a few things. & no one could really answer my questions adequately. i have no idea why i was dressed up like a miniature bride & confirmed at the age of 12? the best thing about midnight mass on christmas eve was the drinking session at the local pub afterwards...
lets just say i got skeptical & ditched the whole religion thing. instead, i explored the world, different religious points of view & the spiritual world. & i am glad to say i am a better person for it.
the thing is, i keep bumping into the wonderful women of the church of latter day saints. i have been known to hide from answering the door when they come knocking at home, but in the blog world, they are the amazing crafters, mothers & bloggers that i follow & then realise they are LDS. then i pick a new book up & discover a few pages in that it is about a LDS family caught in the middle of the murder of their young i am a tad curious. they are quite the community & they have such great support for one another. & big families to share the load......
must visit cjanes site & read some more.....


i feel like i am forever recovering from night duty. all it takes is a bad sleep - like 5 hours in 48 hours - & i am screwed! but i am back now & have 2 weeks off to bum around....well, craft, clean, shop, cook, pretend i am busy.
but a few good things.......
i have started the christmas shopping - & that never happens
i have an appointment with someone cool who can help me with my little inner voice
my man will be on long service leave for 10 weeks very soon - this could end badly as he has never had so much time on his hands & he is only just beginning to learn how to truly relax. but i hold high hopes. & i have a big list to keep him going!
i had a great chat to my gorgeous talented sister yesterday after way too long of missing one another
the alternative christmas dinner for work is all arranged & secret santas texted. see, i cannot be all schmoozy with peeps i don't like/respect. it is just not me. life is too short. so, a friend & i have sorted an alternative with just 9 of us from work...drinks & dinner & we are keeping it quiet!

and a few bad things....
my man is away for the best part of 3 weeks - like here one minute, ordering room service the next kind of scenario
the advent calendar will not be finished for this year....maybe for the grandchildren

pssss. these a few things the talented sis is working on. the cake tins are a fab gift that you can fill with homebaked goodies. & the bobby pins are to die me if you are interested. she may kill me but i am so proud of her!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


wondering how could it really be nearly the end of october
wondering what tinned pumpkin is really made of
wondering if we really need a puppy
wondering if i will ever get the ironing back on track
wondering if our youngest still really does believe in santa...he suspects his brother is the tooth fairy...
wondering if our eldest will still have a broken heart this afternoon after his mate asked jess out...the very same jess that makes his own heart melt
wondering how i will make it out of bed at 0515 tomorrow to get to work...........

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

ahead of the times

i have an man always gets nervous when i say this...but it's a better plan than before. i used to have an online shop when the internet was newish & paypal was seen as scary & to be avoided & banks charged ridiculous merchant fees. so, i figure i was ahead of the times. now with etsy & online retailers everywhere i know this for a fact.

my other problems were....i don't like the hard sell, i was shy about my shop, i didn't want people to feel pressured to buy i was crap at marketing. not good when it's a business....oh & i liked to give people a little extra & wrap things extra special....again, not good for the money side of things! i sold other people's stuff & i was fussy about the quality & wanted something a little different. unique stock became harder to source as the internet became more popular....more peeps discovered the same gems as me.

so, i had to let it go. it was like a hobby more than a business & i didn't want to put more time & energy into it. i needed a breather & less pressure. i had other priorities.

but, now i have decided an etsy shop would be right up my will suit my style...lazy!
i can make bits when it suits me & when i am in that lovely manic phase of creativity. and sit on my arse drinking coffee when i feel the need to also. so, lets give it a go i thought. and i still have a million stickers & bits & pieces that come with having had a store....but..

i have been unable to remember my password when i created the etsy store to match my other store...that was 18 months ago. there was no help from etsy as i had dropped the associated email account also. i had to remember the password or choose another name. i tried everything i had ever had for a password & some ridiculous ones just in case...nothing for months & months.

then this week, i dreamed it & i got up & punched it into the computer & magically i was in! it made me smile.

so, no promises for when, but i will have an etsy store.....called yummymummygifts coming to you soon!

and no, i am not the yummy mummy & all up myself....nor am i a slummy mummy either. more like something normal-ish in between. like most mums. you've all heard the term & it is catchy & people remembered it. it was all good.

so there you have it. just don't hold your breath because i have more night duty this week.....that sucks & it makes me tired.

wet my pants....nearly!

oh my god i nearly wet my pants when i saw these...especially the chandelier & mixmaster. i think i may need both!

there is obviously an excess of acrylic & laser cutters in i have discovered 3 stores down there in 5 minutes doing this style. what's not to like about it though??
these are all from betsyblonde & i am all over them!

red loves black...still

i always knew red loves black & they are still great together. this weeks fetish is the brooch. my fave broke during winter. i am after a newbie. after a little search on etsy i still can't pick a fave but these made me smile....& we all need a smile...i even found a little something for real doctors too!

yes, there is a necklace or 2 in there but way too cute to exclude....& did you see batman kissing robin??

hearing voices...

i've had hunches before...i judge peeps the minute i meet them...i get feelings....but all of a sudden in the last few months, i am totally freaking myself out with my little inner voice. lets just say the little voice is yelling at me & i am actually listening now....thanks for that! i get it. ok.

some stuff i have known of late i cannot reveal for personal reasons but yesterday at work i heard my little friend loud & clear. i met my patient & within 5 minutes of meeting her i had the paperwork out on the table for her emergency....that happened 2 hours later.

yes, it should have been an easy peasy third baby arriving for a delightful mum & her partner. but i insisted on telling the doctor to be careful...several a nagging wife. he is young & a real doctor now & sort of looked at me as if i was crazy...he started her induction. all went well for a don't need all the details & it won't make sense unless you are in my business. they call it a cord prolapse & it's the real deal emergency...i get to leave my fingers in, keep pushing baby's head back off the cord, stay on her bed while she is basically upside down...& we are connected like that until she gets a general anaesthetic & her baby is born via emergency caesarean. so, there i am, under her sheets in theatre reminding the real doctor not to cut my fingers off....saying thank you to my little inner voice....

that gorgeous baby girl has a shiloh pitt mouth & my 2 fingerprints on her head. and she is gorgeous & healthy. thank you little inner voice! i promise to keep

Friday, September 25, 2009

my head...

my head has either been up my own arse, up someone elses....(yes i was back at work last week) or on my pillow....night duty style. it's a blurr really.

last week i was back into the swing of work with welcome back night duty. it went well & it was nice to see some of my colleagues smiling faces again. some of the grumpy ones made me smile on the inside too....some people are just born miserable.

it was an eventful week...a family member who we never hear from decides to ask us for $5000 to bandaid his extravagant lifestyle that has busted big time....he tried some emotional blackmail & tried to sound as if it was a matter of urgency, but no money for him i am afraid. we called it tough love! and besides, no spare $5000 lying around under my mattress.

our gorgeous 10yo was on school camp & became sick. he ended up very unwell & was hospitalised with iv's over the weekend. he was really brave & i was so proud. he even remembered his manners when he was so sick...unlike the pottymouth mother with her teen daughters beside us. my son was too sick to comment at the time but the following day he turns to me & says well mum, at least we don't have to listen to that potty mouth mother any more. that was disgusting!

i swear at work - alot - but not in front of my patients or my kids....there was this one involved a removalist truck blocking our street when we were running late for school & i wasn't sure if i actually said fucking hell out loud or just in my head...turns out it wasn't just in my head! but only the older one heard & talked to me about it a few days later...oops!

ps this lovely leo necklace is from marmar & there is some seriously cute stuff there.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

robin the valley

wow yesterday i had robin hood cut my hair. i kid you not. fair dinkum.
i walked into my hairdressers in the valley & here is my guy in green tights, mocassins & flowing shirt....definitely straight from sherwood forrest. i had to look away so as not to giggle. i love him but it was hilarious. to him, it was normal workwear. just doing his thing. instead of bow & arrow, he packs scissors & a ghd....& doesn't bat an eyelid. thankfully his package was spared as it was hidden under his flowing shirt. when men wear tights it seems impossible not to check it all out....wouldn't you agree? maybe that's just me though...
men in tights....not so sure. but wouldn't it be so cool to feel that confident & pull the look off....

Friday, August 28, 2009

ice queen

so, i hear there is a great way of ridding yourself of annoying peeps in your life...interested?
ever have someone who makes your life miserable, makes work difficult, who you would rather not be around you so much?
i have the answer.
put them in the freezer....well, write their name on paper & put it in the freezer. i have it on good authority that this very scientific method works. i am unsure how long it takes, but apparently they will go...move on to another job, move interstate, blood involved. no authorities knocking on your door...all good.
secretly, we put someone on ice this week.....she is a total pain in someone's arse & life would be better all round if she moved on....& my theory is that it won't take long as she is such an ice queen already. she is on the top shelf just for good measure....

hey as an aside/coincidence...i have just watched my first episode of dexter. i have all 3 series. don't think i'll be addicted like weeds but it has potential....and i may have more ways of ridding peeps from your life! kidding!


i sit here waiting for the electrician to turn up...who was meant to be here 2 days ago & finally got back to me to rearrange for this morning. his time slot is rapidly running out. do they think we have all day to sit around & wait?
what if i came to work 2 days late....sorry i got held up with the last job....but i am here now to charge you a ridiculous amount of money for my services....the cash price is cheaper....and btw you get to clean up the mess afterwards....i don't think so people.
i wish i could charge what i think my services are worth....see i have diplomas & degrees out the bazoonga...6 years of study in fact....a year of being treated like a moron & being yelled at for wearing the wrong coloured stockings - thanks to midwifery training at ipswich maternity...bed making skills to die for....the ability to spot a wanker from 100 yards....& knowing when to get my gloves on.
so a sparky plays with a few wires....when he finally bothers to turn up!
with all their cash work it is no wonder they can afford to be at the tavern for lunch.

attention span m.i.a.

i think my attention span got removed with my uterus. i just haven't been able to concentrate on anything for long....worse than usual.

but yesterday i finished something. i had this idea in my head & finally played a bit. needs tweaking & refining but thought it looked cute. i may be delusional & just in a happy place for merely finishing something though...

the photo is crap. no light. but you get the drift. there is a little cloud up in the right hand corner that you can barely see. it is a mixture of hand & machine stitching & the blue blob is a butterfly. the photo is very dodgey! so are my embroidery skills...

so there you have it. another useless project for a little girl. the boys in my life just don't appreciate all of my amazing talent & hard work....the garage sale pile is mounting up nicely.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


41 is so much more relaxing than 40. there was no pressure for parties & big ideas. it was just another day really....except i think this is the first birthday my man hasn't been here. due to work commitments, he has been in bangkok. my mum was here, so she organized pressies, dinner & flowers. so it was special. she took me to brunch at annok in paddington. highly recommended. perfectly hot flavourful coffee & spicy tortilla with red pepper, chilli. poached egg, harissa & lemon. it was yummy & my sorta brunch. i will definitely be back there.....

come to think of it, this week has been all about enjoying the sunshine, checking some shops out & brunches & lunches.

checked out coming up roses in bulimba & bought a few treats for friends, lunched at bulimba & shopped some fact, we have paced ourselves but achieved alot.

i have been spoiled having mum here to do the jobs i don't get around to or cannot do at the moment. she has ironed, scrubbed, washed, fluffed & generally done amazingly. i don't think we have ever had quality time alone together & i have never appreciated her like i have this week. she is still laughing at my crafty projects, kooky knitting style & half-baked ideas. maybe she saw a side of me she didn't know too.....

Monday, August 17, 2009

knit one purl one

my mum is visiting for the week as my man is in bangkok for work all week. so i get to sit back & have her spoil me...& teach me to knit!

our first lesson was today & it wasn't too shabby. there was much laughter from her as she saw me struggle & look a little awkward. but i now know the basic stitches & buttonholes. all good for my little project in mind.

then i got to thinking....only as i do....that a cute little egg cozy may get me in the mood & encourage me to finish a simple little project. so my search began. of course i instantly fell in love with this adorable one & now nothing else compares....when really, i needed simple, plain, search continues but i do dream....

and i don't even like boiled eggs! wtf??
go here & buy it...i am having problems even joining...but of course i would! remember i have blogged about julie before...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

fun & whimsey

here are some great little bits that would make a cute project for a kiddie/baby room. funny how i never had time nor energy for any of these things when mine were babies....
but that's the thing....i finally have time to do stuff i enjoy. being a mum is the best thing in the world. it is exhausting at the same time but now my boys don't need my physical help anymore, i get to spend some time & energy on me.

we didn't have any family around when it would have been handy....i still remember the toddler days & sleep deprived insanity of sick babies. we are so used to just managing ourselves. not relying on anyone for help. maybe a little too fiercely independent. but that is us.

now i have time....yes, i am at home recovering & have the luxury of 6 weeks off work....but even apart from that, i feel very lucky to have breathing space to appreciate the things that bring me joy.

it is simple stuff like reading a book, flipping through a new magazine, planning & decorating the home, making baby gifts for friends, meeting friends for lunch...

i feel like we are starting a new phase as a family too....the boys contributing to ideas for a family holiday, thinking about making more time as a couple, enjoying quieter relaxing time as a couple & as a family....really enjoying one another. less stress. more independence. less urgency. more about the individual needs. more fun. more whimsey!
the origami cranes are from madebyjo & the crochet flowers are by anniedesign....cute!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

more house of turquoise love

bedroom secrets...

no not those kinds of bedroom secrets..... but
i stumbled across house of turquoise yesterday & there is so much to love & so much inspiration here, i cannot imagine not feeling in the mood with these bedrooms... i am well known for my love of white & i had decided that my other bedroom colour would be aqua/teal/ get the drift. so this site was a perfect start.
i love the headboard in this particular photo. and it looks so fresh & relaxing...
i have been warned to do one room at a time. my man knows just how side tracked i can become. the good news is i am nearly finished our eldest son's room. i managed to get 2 more rugs from ebay on friday - one for his room & one for the loungeroom. they should be delivered any day now. then just a few more wall details & he will be ready to rock & roll. the fact that he is hanging out in there alot more tells me i have done ok.....maybe i'll take some photos when it is actually complete...and clean & tidy!

Monday, August 10, 2009

cleaner language for amish day

well apart from being relieved, i think my cleaner is in the clear. i ammended my swearing rant from yesterday....i do have a potty mouth. not around kids! but i definitely like the f word & sometimes forget that others don't share my i cleaned up my post.

i met my cleaner this morning & she won me over & appears mumsy in a good cleaner way. she said all the right a cleaner way. phew....i may just trust her to do the right thing...

and today has been amish day in our house....formerly known as technology free day. i thought i'd rename it to excite the boys. they were less than enthusiastic but rediscovered their inner chess skills, sorted out their bedrooms, folded washing, took rubbish out & ate ham rolls for lunch. that's as amish as we get. no fields to plough, no loom for weaving...they were rewarded with time back on technology late this afternoon. besides, i was exhausted & needed my amish arse on the couch with the laptop! but it is good to regularly remind them that things can be done without technology. i actually love these days & although they would never admit it, they get by without too many whinges. today they embraced it wholeheartedly.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

cushion love

i normally make the cushions around here but i am loving this! go to this gorgeous store & you will find more of the ruffles...i found this etsy store via a blog by the name of ishandchi & i love her style & her art. check it out....& she is an aussie!

i am trying to find inspiration for our bedroom that is in dire need of some styling....on a budget.
i am keen to frame some wallpaper of just stick some on an mdf board & hang over the bed. i have lots of empty walls to bring some life into.

and i have bedside tables to spray white. anyone ever used a sprayer for painting furniture? i am thinking of visiting my friendly bunnings guy soon for advice.

and i need to make a bedhead...maybe padded. maybe wall papered within a frame. maybe i don't have a clue....

but these things keep me awake at night. these & drafting the letter of complaint to my private hospital where i recently had my surgery....remember the $100 stolen while i was actually undergoing surgery? the male nurse thing is for another post.....lets just say no to equality here & leave them in their boy jobs...they are crap at actually caring for people! just let them climb the ladder already! like i said....for another post.

gin & the maid...

last night my soon to be cleaner calls me to arrange a meeting...all good, except i had already had 2 gin & tonics & our youngest is telling me the maid is on the phone. to him, this is a hotel & he figures it's about time the maid turned up.

anyhow, my help is asking if i mind if she brings her 9yo daughter i responded with well i wasn't really expecting that to happen...meaning, i am f%*&g paying you to clean, not for me to be your babysitter!! the gin helped to relax me & i think she got the message...that she needed to make other arrangements...

am i too harsh? if she had been my cleaner for a few years & she was stuck for a babysitter, then maybe i'd be ok. but i haven't even bloody met her yet....& i am paying her to clean right? what do you think?

lazy sunday

making french toast, bacon & eggs for brekkie
baking & eating sponge cake filled with jam & cream
baking coconut bread for added incentive to have better breakfasts
finishing a little arty project
being blissfully relaxed & losing track of the time

my sunday has been filled with lazy baking, irregular eating & loads of relaxing....perfect!

Friday, August 7, 2009

flamingo love...

watch dryspell gardening this week? remember my hotness that is brendan moar? see the funky garden he did for a seriously cool & kooky couple? totally loved it. see the flamingoes? no? well, never mind should have though!

found this today via twig&thistle & thought it was cute & unexpected. who knew that flamingoes would be the new cool thing in town?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


i just read how auntycookie is outsourcing her cleaning. it's the new black. i have never had a cleaner before...not that i haven't wished & prayed for one....but i have someone coming in next week for the next few months. it was as though auntycookie was in my mind i swear.

friends have had cleaners.....some stories are great & others involve cleaners drinking all the alcohol in the house, stealing money & jewellery, having boyfriends over....i kid you not! but i am prepared to give it a go. there is very little alcohol in the house, no worthwhile jewellery lying around & i will give her enough jobs so she won't have time for the boyfriend. and i am hoping she irons too.....

any recommendations? i have gone through an agency a friend is using, so i am hoping it works out. i may want to keep her there's a thought!


so this is the centre part of the play mat for miss j. she turns 1 this week & thankfully my friends are used to late gifts from's sort of expected! so, i have much to do here...i need wheels though, so a job for next week when i am back behind the wheel. i thought if i put this here, i may be shamed into finishing it.....

double digits....& cross -stitch arse

i am finally in the dreaded double digits for the advent calendar....who would've believed it? number 12, you are in my sites.

the plan was to sew up these little embroidered bags, pop a treat inside & hang them from something....that was meant to happen last year. never mind. thankfully for me, christmas happens every year. yeah...

my embroidery skills are very basic & it takes me quite a while to do each number. i just trace around a kikki-k set of sticky numbers i bought (they happened to be a good size), sit, thread my needle & strain my eyes (the contact lenses need to be even stronger i am sure).

i live in fear of developing cross-stitch arse....every lovely woman i know who cross stitches, has quite the ample arse. no judgements. just an cross stitch is not my thing - just saying - but i imagine if i finally finish 24 of these bags, my arse will be huge because it is impossible to sit & stitch without tea & biscuits.....

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


remember how i am redoing my eldest's room....redoing is probably the wrong word. it never really got decorated in the first place, so we are starting at the beginning.

well, we are getting there. we settled on the redblackwhite colour scheme & it looks fresh & cool. he has a serious set up coming together up there. so far, i have stuck to my budget. ikea is a's just that the putting together part of ikea stuff always takes us an eternity to get done.

i am trying to bum a lift to officeworks this week to get the clipboards & desk accessories i need ....thanks clare at mondocherry for the source of her clipboards!

this baby of ours turned 13 yesterday & we celebrated by taking him for a nice dinner on saturday night @ kingsleys. he loves his steak (& they have prawns & crab for us non-cow-munching peeps) & had the best birthday dinner ever! they made just the right amount of fuss over him & were fantastic! later, my man & i cried some happy, proud tears & felt amazed at how quickly the years have passed.......but i am the proudest mum ever & am just loving how this young man is turning out....his brother is (& always has been) more of a challenge shall we say....but he is pretty cool too though.....they are impossible to compare (& who'd want to) & are so different in every way - i feel so blessed to have them both in my life & i try to never take it for granted. these guys are what make my life worthwhile. they make my heart sing!

i feel blessed that he is 13 & talks - not grunts- to me about everything (for how long, i am unsure), has a great sense of humour, is kind & considerate of others & is happy & healthy....& is already planning his gap year! travelling is in his genes!! go for it kiddo...

too cute

this is too cute not to share....go here....pity the postage is more than the item.
i have been trawling the internet this afternoon...a bit like window shopping. i overdid it at chermside on the that place is i am resting up a bit today, having coffee with friends popping in & chatting on the phone. such luxury to just hang about!
i am also acting as my man's p.a. & researching hotels for his bangkok trip this month....not so much fun when i am not tagging along i can tell you. i did get a little side tracked & started researching a family holiday to hong kong....way too much time on my hands!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009


my dilemma i be honest & blurt out on my blog about my real life? do people really care?do people really want to know anyway? who am i writing this for anyway?
sitting on the couch in the sunshine, i am deciding that this blog was for me & i never really expected anyone to read fact, only a handful of real life friends even know about it. and it was sort of meant to be about me & my journey....a totally selfish indulgence where i could write what i thought & write about my crafty obsessions that are often left unfinished.....and about my journey in this here it is.....

on monday i had a hysterectomy. no gory details required. i am 40 & i never thought i would be having such surgery. in the end though, the other options failed me & with much anguish, i signed up....let me tell you, there is such a thing as ignorance is bliss!

having a nursing background definitely has its drawbacks when you are suddenly the patient. knowing what could go wrong has drawbacks...and, i have a husband who is allergic to the mere smell of a hospital. he is in constant pain when inside a visitor. this is totally true & his pain is visible.

exhausting stuff....having to be checked in at 6am, put to sleep by 8am, had my gorgeous female doctor do her work on me for nearly 3 hours, have $100 stolen from my wallet while in surgery & vomiting for 12 hours takes its toll.... needless to say, i survived the ordeal & could not wait to leave 2 days after my surgery. the bags were packed & ghd cooling by the time my pale lonely poached egg arrived under it's steel dome for breakfast. private hospitals still do mass produced hospital food that is delivered by grumpy italian kitchen staff. and because i signed a form to release the hospital of any liability if anything was stolen, my $100 was an unfortunate incident....never mind that my bags were in their care while i was fucking anaesthetised!...this annoyed me as i had dreamt about this happening in the days leading up to my surgery & meant to give my husband the money from my wallet....sounds allison dubois crazy i know, but that is me i am afraid. so, doubly annoying that i knew it would happen & still did nothing about it....go figure....

so now, i get 6 weeks off work to recover & contemplate life without ever having a period again...sounds like bliss to me! the truth is....i don't actually have much pain. i haven't taken more than panadol & it all seems a little too good to be true. i get to sit & watch my husband do all the chores & ferry the boys to school. i am feeling a tad guilty but have been told by everybody to do nothing for a few weeks.....

so what's a girl to do? sit back, relax & place orders for tea as i see it.....seriously, it is hard to watch him do it all. and it is only day 3. the days are long. the daytime television is very bad....thank god for foxtel, the internet & wireless broadband i say. when i can drive in a few more weeks, all our lives will improve....

Thursday, July 23, 2009

shopping....worlds worst shopper!

so it's official....i am the worst shopper ever!
i hate grocery shopping....apparently i buy more cleaning products than food.
i hate clothes shopping - all too hard.
i love craft shopping but never get what i actually need.

yesterday, i followed in nerida's footsteps & got myself over to peppermint stitches....and left with nothing i went for & spent $100 on stuff for other remember my last post...a nice simple play/end of bed quilt to sew for a princess turning 1? well, i now have a really cute patchwork top of a quilt (urban chiks for moda fabric) that i sewed yesterday evening. i need to add a few blocks to the outside, put batting & back on, sew the binding....she may be 2 by the time she gets it!

and i fell in love with this layer cake of fabric to make my couch throws. these are gorgeous precut 10 inch squares of co-ordinating moda fabrics....i couldn't leave them there. i am tossing up whether to do a bed throw or lounge throw. it will tell me when it's done....that is my project for the next 6 weeks while i rest up post surgery.

with names like layer cakes & jelly rolls, how am i to resist....and the co-ordinating fabrics & precut squares takes the hard work out of it! i am such a fan now. and i saw the new amy butler range instore & i already have a 50percent sorta way of course!
i am still trying to justify to my husband the need for more don't get it do they? he is at the nod & smile stage, so i may be lucky....

Monday, July 20, 2009


yes, i slept through the mathilda's was it? i must find out when the next one is. surely there will be another in a few, for an alternative, i am off to peppermint stitches to stock up on some supplies for a few quilting projects i have in mind. well, i have something in mind & i am sure it will come together instore as i am lusting after more fabric to play with.

i want to do a little quilt for a gorgeous girl who turns one soon....& i think i will do this quick katie did one that i love the look of. i know this baby will be a toddler soon so i thought a little throw for her bed would be cute. or she could use it as a play mat when friends come over...i need to figure out the sizing though. any thoughts?


i know these wall graphics are everywhere right now but i think i need something punchy to bring a few walls to life. these are from byrdiegraphics & there are some great ones to choose from. i know. i know. one project at a time.......

Thursday, July 16, 2009

loves...old & new

i am a list girl. it helps me to get things done.....sometimes... i like to mark things off as i do them. for some reason, i feel the need to share some latest loves. it is more of a list of a few little things i enjoy of late. i am on night duty for 3 nights & this will help to keep me happy & sane. night duty is a bit like being put in a bunker & it is difficult to remember the real world. i need things to look forward to when i resurface & this will help...if i am boring you already, then run for the hills now!
here are some loves...old & new:
  • dry spell gardening has returned & brendan moar just melts me. need i say more...or moar? his voice alone could rock me to sleep......
  • katy perry - her voice & i would also kill for that body!
  • masterchef - what will i do next week when it all ends?
  • rhubarb - i bought some at new farm markets, cooked it up with a few strawberries & it was total heaven....who knew? i had never tasted it before.
  • the other boleyn girl. i am reading the book & nearly cheated & watched the movie. it is a beautifully written book & something i wouldn't have read without my friend lisa's recommendation. it does reminds me how far women have come since the 1500's when some days, i do wonder....
  • pork belly - my step mum was cooking it for my dad's birthday last night & her recipe sounded delicious....she was so ahead of her time with her cooking. i gave her such a hard time when i was young & struggled with the whole step family thing. but she was one who inspired me & helped teach me to cook...i am thankful for her patience & perserverence with me!
  • blogs like these that i never find time to add to my list....katie did, flair to remember (for her quotes alone), wifestylefiles, mabelandlola, canberrasgotstyle
well, maybe that will be enough to remind me of the goodness that awaits when i come from the dark side. i am still trying to figure out a way to get to mathilda's market on sunday. i am not sure coffee will be enough fuel though. i finish work at 7am & have high hopes of staying awake to be there at i said...high hopes!

Monday, July 13, 2009

what's doing?

i haven't had much time or energy for blogging & crafting of fact, i owe many peeps phone calls & emails & never seem to get around to it all. my sister will think i have fallen into an abyss....but she gets it.

i am still loving masterchef & the fact that poh is back. i will be lost when it finishes on sunday. i am not a regular tv viewer, so my addiction to masterchef surprises even when i loved the biggest loser...who knew i had it in me??

loved being in the garden yesterday with my family. the boys got in & helped & commented on what a great family day it was...we transformed our front garden...we always thought our landscaper was a little too minimalist (now coming from me that is something). i cannot stop admiring our work & look forward to spring now as i remember how much i love gardening.

bed shopping for 13yo bedroom makeover.... it is super comfy. it is king single to accomodate his teen growth. it has a 10 year warranty.....but my man tells me we won't need it...that he'll be left home long before the warranty runs dawned on me. shit, he is probably right. i cannot even begin to imagine family life without them being around. how does that happen? how does time just slip by & toddlers are suddenly teens..........really??

loving the thought of an ikea trip next week. i dare not attempt it in school holidays. i am not good with crowds at the best of times. am after some cool furniture for the bedroom makeover. i am trying hard to tackle one project at a time......really difficult i can tell you! it is like torture actually.

knit & bitch

i saw this cute little project on domesticali & have delusions of grandeur that i will instinctively know how to knit such a thing....i remember knitting in year 11....& getting my mum to complete the jumper i never wore....and as it happens, i stumbled across tangled yarns while getting a fringe trim in the valley. they offer classes for knitting & crochet. i was instantly drawn to their little had gorgeous yarn, books, projects, yummy muffins & real peeps in there knitting & crafting....and they looked like they were having such a relaxing time. i was on my way to work, so was on limited time. i need a little project like this for when it is inappropriate to haul a sewing machine around under my arm....
anyone interested in a knit & bitch class??? or anyone able to teach me the art of increasing & decreasing & fancy stuff like that?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


a horrible windy, cold day here today. been out for movies, bowling & donuts & now hiding from 4 boys having a school holiday get together....each of mine has a friend over.....don't get me wrong. they are fantastic kids but i do tend to hide away from the noise...they are boys & their voices are getting deep & they talk another language....especially after a transformers movie. and i cannot be bothered with the translation. thankfully they have their own entertainment....and i am pretty sure it doesn't involve girls...yet!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


finally... i got around to making a pin cushion. i stumbled across heather bailey's cute little one & zipped it up in 20 minutes this morning. i was determined to make something today....been feeling a little craft deprived of late....not making time for sewing.
busy with orthodontists, bike riding, donut eating, movie renting madness that is the school holidays. what a gorgeous warm & sunny day here though. i love these sort of winter days. I am definitely a sunshine girl. i grew up in the cold & never want to go back to bone freezing conditions....i have one in new york or europe. that i could do.....yeah, that would be worth the cold!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


i am still in love with poh. i miss her on masterchef. she is such a talented artist & i have given a huge hint to my man that one of her paintings is on my bucket list. if anyone hears of her exhibiting here in brisbane, please let me know.
just beautiful!


remember my other post about these stamped spoons? a good friend needed some for her kiddies. i said give jo a call, she might be able to do something like that.........and look what happens in a few weeks. the lovely jo has gone & done it all by herself! lucky eh? such a sweet christening/first b'day/new arrival gift. in fact, i think i need man has an amazing knack of taking our teaspoons to work & them never coming home. teaspoons disappear here at an alarming rate. and it is the nice ones that go.....what's with that?

Monday, June 29, 2009

the 10 minute run

ok, i have to fess up...the 10 minute run never happened.....surprised? i think not!
well, it was raining. it was cold. we went to new farm markets. i did eat all day.....
and i am more of a peanut m & m munching, slow-walking in the sunshine sorta girl. is that so bad?
i may end up like a nuetered cat who gets fat lazing in the sun.....but i can hide under a homemade quilt & munch on yummy baked goods. and as always, i will worry about it later......yeah for me!

positive attitude

been meaning to post this cute quote from creaturecomforts for ages. check in there regularly for quotes, free downloads & amazing eye candy! this woman is amazing.


i am browsing the internet in my post-nightduty haze....oh the joys of staying awake all night, catching a few hours sleeep before lunch & feeling like shit all day....but at least i have a great excuse for drinking tea & being lazy!
this cute kit is from kia hing fay and was found on redfeltflower ... they are sooo cute. i am hankering for some hand stitching. and i love everything about these.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

training....warning f word alert

sports bra - check
pelvic floor - check
ipod - check
positive attitude - check

i skipped through my last few days of the training schedule...well, i did have 2 rest days in the 3 days.
today was the 10 minute walk-5 minute jog-10 minute walk routine. thought i can do that.
fuck, i am not built to jog. not even miley cyrus' the climb could keep me going the full 5 minutes. with snot on my face, my tracksuit pants falling down (accidentally left the mobile phone in pocket) & me gasping for breath must have been quite the sight....thank god none of the celery munching yummy mummies were out with their designer prams to laugh at me. with a quick wipe of the face & pull up of the pants i pushed through for the total 5 minutes in the end....i was told by my man there was no one, two, skip a few minutes involved in the program. he so knows me!
thank god tomorrow is a rest day. somehow i have to do a 10 minute jog/walk routine the following day. i have to work on the breathing and running at the same time.
am off to find some gatorade!

letterpress. cot bumpers. darwin....totally related!

since delving into blog world, there are a few things i have noticed. maybe it's just me.... but we seem very different from the americans. an epiphany i know...

i stumble across alot of american blogs & for some reason i am drawn to the pretty ones that end up with wedding info...or the baby ones with designy baby stuff. this is wierd in itself as i am already married & have no intention of doing it again & there will be no more babies here either. go figure?

i have noticed that they all have cot bumpers......didn't they get banished here years ago for sids risks?? maybe something has changed as i have not had a child in a cot for 9 years now....

and the amount of money spent on weddings seems astronomical.....i was reading about budget invites & when this particular post revealed the gorgeous budget letterpress invite price paid was $2000 i was gobsmacked.... for 2 reasons:
1.they thought that was a cheap price & a budget option & linked to it and
2.people actually spend that sort of money on invites?
i think our whole wedding cost less than that!

there are many more things i could think of if i tried but these 2 things pop up regularly. so maybe i am just different. maybe i just need to get a life & stop thinking about things that don't concern me.

i blame the beautiful letterpress designs out there. i am a sucker!
and maybe i am a tad bemused at all the baby stuff out there these darwin, we had not much at all & our babies were mostly naked. not from bad parenting. it is just too hot. and the clothes they did wear were from target. internet was brand new. designer shops didn't exist. we had a toy library that was great. we hung out at home with friends alot & it was very laid back & unpretentious....actually it was fun. and no pressure to anything. and it was soooo relaxed! darwin, you were great!
**letterpress invite found here.

it's a kids world

last day of term today. last alarm set for a few weeks.......
things we are planning:
  • seaworld on saturday to burn our free pass before it expires on 30 june
  • have a donut day......the plan is to have only hot cinnamon donuts for lunch
  • get serious plans done for 13yo boy bedroom.......i feel an ikea trip coming
  • find some ideas for boy bedroom. why are there no cool teen boy designs to be found anywhere?? i am not talking themes....just ideas. more research & thinking required.
  • get some sewing projects done - the cushions are still a figment of my imagination
  • boardgames day.......i have some serious catching up to do as i have been the big loser of late
  • spend a few nights at the gold coast for man to run his marathon....i am scared for him!
  • squeeze in a sleepover for some friends
and all the boring stuff like get the car serviced, clean up (as if that will happen but if i write it here, i may have more chance of doing it) & buy new shoes & uniforms for boys - they really need to slow the growing thing down. it is killing me!
hope you enjoy the holidays too.........

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

exercise......kaz style

i am on a mission yet know, drop a few kilos, feel fitter...boring!
anyhow, i saw this piece in the paper for a training schedule for the bridgetobrisbane on the weekend. obviously i am in the total newbie section & don't worry, i have absolutely no intention of running a race! phew!!

no, i need some surgery in a month & will be laying around on my arse for 4-6 weeks, sipping tea, scoffing cakes & crafting while i recover....and although i am shit scared of the surgery, i am more shit scared of getting fatter & more peri-menopausal i saw the first week training schedule & was totally attracted to day 1 - REST. i thought shit, i can do that!! so, day 1 went well.......

day 2 is today & entails a 10 minute walk.....i think i can even do that....then i have the choice of rest or cross training.......let me see now??? REST of course.....this week sounds too good to be true. i am yet to investigate the following weeks. maybe best i be surprised so i don't give up i normally do.

am off to do my 10 minute walk peeps......

meanwhile, my man is training for the gold coast marathon. he has run some half marathons before, but this is the full monty........42kms......this is my nothing in halves, everything at the extreme end husband......who even drinks intense teabags! wtf?? anyhow, we have a few nights booked at the coast for it & some family time planned..we will cheer him at the finish line & throw him in the car back to the hotel afterwards.......bless him. we have the nipple bandaids & new joggers all ready! how & why the flock anyone runs that far willingly is beyond me....but he will have the t-shirt to prove it........

gorjuss art

i have been lusting after some of these prints for 18 months now. some images move me to tears. check out this amazing artist's own site & etsy store for some gorjuss art. i love the detail, the darkness & the themes....i have a little birthday coming up soonish & i think i may just need a few of these to frame....
ps...i can is the name of her site peeps!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

camping...kaz style

now this is my idea of camping. i can roast marshmallows, drink red wine by the fire, snuggle in a warm cozy bed, pee on a toilet, see the outdoors...... & all without freezing my arse off in some flimsy tent flapping in the breeze...& not an air mattress in sight.
check this post out on apartment therapy. it looks cool!
i have been checking out other cute little places to sleep that i will share later......

birdhouse by kaz

so, my little birdhouse is just about done. i still need to put a twiggy perch at the front entrance but all the sewing is done! i am pretty happy with my first effort. it wasn't even that fiddly. and it only took me ages because i am lazy & disorganized. it is not like tamar's but it didn't cost me $175 either!
i must thank nerida & jodie for the advice & tips. it was very encouraging girls & i appreciate your advice!
now all i need is a little non-pooping bird to perch out onto it!

pretty & good for the soul

go straight to kindred & print these gorgeous freebies out. they are sooo pretty & good for the soul. there are so many things to be thankful for....but sometimes we lose sight of them. the girls at kindred do an amazing job. go & take a peek...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

pink & tiffany

let me clear some things up...

no, i didn't officially hang with pink at her concert...i had a shitty seat where i had to peek over a railing half the night to see properly. being short does suck. i would have loved nothing more than meeting up back stage & checking all the costumes out & asking her lots of questions...a bit like when i asked my man to take me to a strip club in melbourne centuries ago...i'd never been to one & i was curious...and then i asked the girls loads of questions...almost like an was fun & very interesting. they were so normal....and no, there were no private dancers for us!

i am a hopeless shopper & left tiffany with nothing....i did try lots on & i loved that my man surprised me & wanted to buy me something there....but it seemed like a lot of money & extravagance for jewellery....i am more practical...sad but was enough that he was prepared to do it.

so, no, i am not dripping with jewels, sitting in my lingerie & drinking vb with pink & carey....but that would be fun for a night!, i am not a beer drinking bogan...i would be sipping champagne but i hear she likes vb...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

clever aussie girls

check this blog out for some great shots of donna hay's new store...via decor8
i would love to have a girlie weekend in sydney & check out some cool stores like this. the last time i had a girlie weekend in sydney was about 5 years ago. it was all about the champagne, facials, shopping & goss.....ahhh. why has it been so long?

but i read about a weekend getaway with shannon fricke that might be fun too. it's a designy weekend in byron bay......what could be wrong about that?!
i am a total dag but would love to sit & listen to shannon for a day. and byron bay is a fave of mine....remember my dream retirement home near there? and bangalow....i could just eat, drink, lay in the sun & listen to designy speak all weekend....dream up more projects to half finish....bliss! i would totally look like i don't belong because i'd imagine that the other peeps signing up would be way more cultured than an india hicks sorta way...i dream of being stylish but am settling for comfortable right now...but it would be fun! and i promise i will wax before coming....anyone want to come??

Monday, June 15, 2009


busy week & hiding from the computer as my mum was here for 3 days. she is blissfully unaware of my true reality & just wouldn't get it. i had to instruct all 3 boys not to mention the word blog & to never tell of my secret world of blogging...they looked for bribes...they were told they would be written out of the will if they muttered a word...all good. we all survived....i told my eldest he would understand one day as i am sure there will be things he won't want me to know, all was quiet on the blogging front.

but now, back to my reality! yeah. and i must say i missed my blog rounds & checking in on peeps of the blogging world. and i missed having my say...i am a bit like that. even at work i tell myself i won't get involved. will keep quiet. will not say it how it is & how i see it. will blend into the background...but shit i cannot do it! i am a leo & we need to be heard. it is in my stars you see. not my fault!
so what have i been up to?
  • taking my dearest friend to dinner for her birthday & drinking champagne & wine & giggling loud at a quiet restaurant
  • hanging with pink at her first brissie concert this week. great night. dinner date with my man before the concert...not so sure about her man groin but she is very sexy!
  • getting into my fabric bird house a la tamar...just a roof to complete now
  • taking my mum to brunch & relaxing with her
  • buying cushion supplies for the little guys who turned one last week - so i am typically late...& cushion design is still a work in my head even...
  • catching up with other friends for coffee & chats
  • nasty incidents to report this week thankfully
a good week on reflection. no disasters. no tantrums. just a few tears.....

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


i dream of some cute little stamps like these from craftpudding. there are too many cute ones to decide though.

i am sitting here wasting time..had a night out last night. with a dear friend. for her birthday. ...lets just say we got to bed late after some wine & amazing food from here. i have been several times & am never disappointed. the mod asian food is always great. and we chatted & laughed the night away. and we got lost in our own little world without kids for a bit. bliss....
so, i am tired & the boys are having a doona day. just a lazy day watching movies & eating cheese & crackers. why not i say??
and today is our 14 year wedding anniversary....we celebrated yesterday by the river with a gorgoeus lunch here (soft shell crab, peking duck, whole fried fish, pork belly....mod asian all day dining for me!)
and my man surprised me with a trip to! i bought vouchers for a cooking class each at the spirit house. something we have been talking about for years but never made time for. so, lots to be thankful for & to look forward to.
so, a day of simple food & tidying for my mum to arrive friday man & i are off to the pink concert for a treat. the boys get to hang with nan & be spoiled.


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