so, my little birdhouse is just about done. i still need to put a twiggy perch at the front entrance but all the sewing is done! i am pretty happy with my first effort. it wasn't even that fiddly. and it only took me ages because i am lazy & disorganized. it is not like tamar's but it didn't cost me $175 either!
i must thank nerida & jodie for the advice & tips. it was very encouraging girls & i appreciate your advice!
now all i need is a little non-pooping bird to perch out front.....am onto it!
hello I'm looking around the model (pattern) of the birdhouse I am French and typing on google I came to your blog, it is very beautiful, is what I ask you if you have a model of the birdhouse? may be that it does not ask .. in any case thank you for this visit of your blog
bonjour je cherche de partout le modèle ( patron )de ce nichoir je suis française et en tapant sur google je suis arrivée sur ton blog , il est très beau , est ce que je peux te demander si tu as un modèle de ce nichoir ? peut etre que ça ne se fait pas de demander .. en tous les cas merci pour cette visite de ton blog
hello I'm looking around the model (pattern) of the nest box I am French and typing on google I came to your blog, it is very beautiful, is what I ask you if you have a model of the nest? may be that it does not ask .. in any case thank you for this visit of your blog