Thursday, October 22, 2009


wondering how could it really be nearly the end of october
wondering what tinned pumpkin is really made of
wondering if we really need a puppy
wondering if i will ever get the ironing back on track
wondering if our youngest still really does believe in santa...he suspects his brother is the tooth fairy...
wondering if our eldest will still have a broken heart this afternoon after his mate asked jess out...the very same jess that makes his own heart melt
wondering how i will make it out of bed at 0515 tomorrow to get to work...........

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

ahead of the times

i have an man always gets nervous when i say this...but it's a better plan than before. i used to have an online shop when the internet was newish & paypal was seen as scary & to be avoided & banks charged ridiculous merchant fees. so, i figure i was ahead of the times. now with etsy & online retailers everywhere i know this for a fact.

my other problems were....i don't like the hard sell, i was shy about my shop, i didn't want people to feel pressured to buy i was crap at marketing. not good when it's a business....oh & i liked to give people a little extra & wrap things extra special....again, not good for the money side of things! i sold other people's stuff & i was fussy about the quality & wanted something a little different. unique stock became harder to source as the internet became more popular....more peeps discovered the same gems as me.

so, i had to let it go. it was like a hobby more than a business & i didn't want to put more time & energy into it. i needed a breather & less pressure. i had other priorities.

but, now i have decided an etsy shop would be right up my will suit my style...lazy!
i can make bits when it suits me & when i am in that lovely manic phase of creativity. and sit on my arse drinking coffee when i feel the need to also. so, lets give it a go i thought. and i still have a million stickers & bits & pieces that come with having had a store....but..

i have been unable to remember my password when i created the etsy store to match my other store...that was 18 months ago. there was no help from etsy as i had dropped the associated email account also. i had to remember the password or choose another name. i tried everything i had ever had for a password & some ridiculous ones just in case...nothing for months & months.

then this week, i dreamed it & i got up & punched it into the computer & magically i was in! it made me smile.

so, no promises for when, but i will have an etsy store.....called yummymummygifts coming to you soon!

and no, i am not the yummy mummy & all up myself....nor am i a slummy mummy either. more like something normal-ish in between. like most mums. you've all heard the term & it is catchy & people remembered it. it was all good.

so there you have it. just don't hold your breath because i have more night duty this week.....that sucks & it makes me tired.

wet my pants....nearly!

oh my god i nearly wet my pants when i saw these...especially the chandelier & mixmaster. i think i may need both!

there is obviously an excess of acrylic & laser cutters in i have discovered 3 stores down there in 5 minutes doing this style. what's not to like about it though??
these are all from betsyblonde & i am all over them!

red loves black...still

i always knew red loves black & they are still great together. this weeks fetish is the brooch. my fave broke during winter. i am after a newbie. after a little search on etsy i still can't pick a fave but these made me smile....& we all need a smile...i even found a little something for real doctors too!

yes, there is a necklace or 2 in there but way too cute to exclude....& did you see batman kissing robin??

hearing voices...

i've had hunches before...i judge peeps the minute i meet them...i get feelings....but all of a sudden in the last few months, i am totally freaking myself out with my little inner voice. lets just say the little voice is yelling at me & i am actually listening now....thanks for that! i get it. ok.

some stuff i have known of late i cannot reveal for personal reasons but yesterday at work i heard my little friend loud & clear. i met my patient & within 5 minutes of meeting her i had the paperwork out on the table for her emergency....that happened 2 hours later.

yes, it should have been an easy peasy third baby arriving for a delightful mum & her partner. but i insisted on telling the doctor to be careful...several a nagging wife. he is young & a real doctor now & sort of looked at me as if i was crazy...he started her induction. all went well for a don't need all the details & it won't make sense unless you are in my business. they call it a cord prolapse & it's the real deal emergency...i get to leave my fingers in, keep pushing baby's head back off the cord, stay on her bed while she is basically upside down...& we are connected like that until she gets a general anaesthetic & her baby is born via emergency caesarean. so, there i am, under her sheets in theatre reminding the real doctor not to cut my fingers off....saying thank you to my little inner voice....

that gorgeous baby girl has a shiloh pitt mouth & my 2 fingerprints on her head. and she is gorgeous & healthy. thank you little inner voice! i promise to keep


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