so, i hear there is a great way of ridding yourself of annoying peeps in your life...interested?
ever have someone who makes your life miserable, makes work difficult, who you would rather not be around you so much?
i have the answer.
put them in the freezer....well, write their name on paper & put it in the freezer. i have it on good authority that this very scientific method works. i am unsure how long it takes, but apparently they will go...move on to another job, move interstate, blood involved. no authorities knocking on your door...all good.
secretly, we put someone on ice this week.....she is a total pain in someone's arse & life would be better all round if she moved on....& my theory is that it won't take long as she is such an ice queen already. she is on the top shelf just for good measure....
hey as an aside/coincidence...i have just watched my first episode of dexter. i have all 3 series. don't think i'll be addicted like weeds but it has potential....and i may have more ways of ridding peeps from your life! kidding!
i am a dreamer full of half-baked ideas & unfinished projects. it's my life & i love it. welcome to my journey...
Friday, August 28, 2009
i sit here waiting for the electrician to turn up...who was meant to be here 2 days ago & finally got back to me to rearrange for this morning. his time slot is rapidly running out. do they think we have all day to sit around & wait?
what if i came to work 2 days late....sorry i got held up with the last job....but i am here now to charge you a ridiculous amount of money for my services....the cash price is cheaper....and btw you get to clean up the mess afterwards....i don't think so people.
i wish i could charge what i think my services are worth....see i have diplomas & degrees out the bazoonga...6 years of study in fact....a year of being treated like a moron & being yelled at for wearing the wrong coloured stockings - thanks to midwifery training at ipswich maternity...bed making skills to die for....the ability to spot a wanker from 100 yards....& knowing when to get my gloves on.
so a sparky plays with a few wires....when he finally bothers to turn up!
with all their cash work it is no wonder they can afford to be at the tavern for lunch.
what if i came to work 2 days late....sorry i got held up with the last job....but i am here now to charge you a ridiculous amount of money for my services....the cash price is cheaper....and btw you get to clean up the mess afterwards....i don't think so people.
i wish i could charge what i think my services are worth....see i have diplomas & degrees out the bazoonga...6 years of study in fact....a year of being treated like a moron & being yelled at for wearing the wrong coloured stockings - thanks to midwifery training at ipswich maternity...bed making skills to die for....the ability to spot a wanker from 100 yards....& knowing when to get my gloves on.
so a sparky plays with a few wires....when he finally bothers to turn up!
with all their cash work it is no wonder they can afford to be at the tavern for lunch.
attention span m.i.a.
i think my attention span got removed with my uterus. i just haven't been able to concentrate on anything for long....worse than usual.
but yesterday i finished something. i had this idea in my head & finally played a bit. needs tweaking & refining but thought it looked cute. i may be delusional & just in a happy place for merely finishing something though...
the photo is crap. no light. but you get the drift. there is a little cloud up in the right hand corner that you can barely see. it is a mixture of hand & machine stitching & the blue blob is a butterfly. the photo is very dodgey! so are my embroidery skills...
so there you have it. another useless project for a little girl. the boys in my life just don't appreciate all of my amazing talent & hard work....the garage sale pile is mounting up nicely.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
41 is so much more relaxing than 40. there was no pressure for parties & big ideas. it was just another day really....except i think this is the first birthday my man hasn't been here. due to work commitments, he has been in bangkok. my mum was here, so she organized pressies, dinner & flowers. so it was special. she took me to brunch at annok in paddington. highly recommended. perfectly hot flavourful coffee & spicy tortilla with red pepper, chilli. poached egg, harissa & lemon. it was yummy & my sorta brunch. i will definitely be back there.....
come to think of it, this week has been all about enjoying the sunshine, checking some shops out & brunches & lunches.
checked out coming up roses in bulimba & bought a few treats for friends, lunched at bulimba & shopped some fact, we have paced ourselves but achieved alot.
i have been spoiled having mum here to do the jobs i don't get around to or cannot do at the moment. she has ironed, scrubbed, washed, fluffed & generally done amazingly. i don't think we have ever had quality time alone together & i have never appreciated her like i have this week. she is still laughing at my crafty projects, kooky knitting style & half-baked ideas. maybe she saw a side of me she didn't know too.....
come to think of it, this week has been all about enjoying the sunshine, checking some shops out & brunches & lunches.
checked out coming up roses in bulimba & bought a few treats for friends, lunched at bulimba & shopped some fact, we have paced ourselves but achieved alot.
i have been spoiled having mum here to do the jobs i don't get around to or cannot do at the moment. she has ironed, scrubbed, washed, fluffed & generally done amazingly. i don't think we have ever had quality time alone together & i have never appreciated her like i have this week. she is still laughing at my crafty projects, kooky knitting style & half-baked ideas. maybe she saw a side of me she didn't know too.....
Monday, August 17, 2009
knit one purl one

my mum is visiting for the week as my man is in bangkok for work all week. so i get to sit back & have her spoil me...& teach me to knit!
our first lesson was today & it wasn't too shabby. there was much laughter from her as she saw me struggle & look a little awkward. but i now know the basic stitches & buttonholes. all good for my little project in mind.
then i got to thinking....only as i do....that a cute little egg cozy may get me in the mood & encourage me to finish a simple little project. so my search began. of course i instantly fell in love with this adorable one & now nothing else compares....when really, i needed simple, plain, search continues but i do dream....
and i don't even like boiled eggs! wtf??
go here & buy it...i am having problems even joining...but of course i would! remember i have blogged about julie before...
Thursday, August 13, 2009
fun & whimsey
here are some great little bits that would make a cute project for a kiddie/baby room. funny how i never had time nor energy for any of these things when mine were babies....
but that's the thing....i finally have time to do stuff i enjoy. being a mum is the best thing in the world. it is exhausting at the same time but now my boys don't need my physical help anymore, i get to spend some time & energy on me.
we didn't have any family around when it would have been handy....i still remember the toddler days & sleep deprived insanity of sick babies. we are so used to just managing ourselves. not relying on anyone for help. maybe a little too fiercely independent. but that is us.
now i have time....yes, i am at home recovering & have the luxury of 6 weeks off work....but even apart from that, i feel very lucky to have breathing space to appreciate the things that bring me joy.
it is simple stuff like reading a book, flipping through a new magazine, planning & decorating the home, making baby gifts for friends, meeting friends for lunch...
i feel like we are starting a new phase as a family too....the boys contributing to ideas for a family holiday, thinking about making more time as a couple, enjoying quieter relaxing time as a couple & as a family....really enjoying one another. less stress. more independence. less urgency. more about the individual needs. more fun. more whimsey!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
bedroom secrets...

i stumbled across house of turquoise yesterday & there is so much to love & so much inspiration here, i cannot imagine not feeling in the mood with these bedrooms... i am well known for my love of white & i had decided that my other bedroom colour would be aqua/teal/ get the drift. so this site was a perfect start.
i love the headboard in this particular photo. and it looks so fresh & relaxing...
i have been warned to do one room at a time. my man knows just how side tracked i can become. the good news is i am nearly finished our eldest son's room. i managed to get 2 more rugs from ebay on friday - one for his room & one for the loungeroom. they should be delivered any day now. then just a few more wall details & he will be ready to rock & roll. the fact that he is hanging out in there alot more tells me i have done ok.....maybe i'll take some photos when it is actually complete...and clean & tidy!
Monday, August 10, 2009
cleaner language for amish day
well apart from being relieved, i think my cleaner is in the clear. i ammended my swearing rant from yesterday....i do have a potty mouth. not around kids! but i definitely like the f word & sometimes forget that others don't share my i cleaned up my post.
i met my cleaner this morning & she won me over & appears mumsy in a good cleaner way. she said all the right a cleaner way. phew....i may just trust her to do the right thing...
and today has been amish day in our house....formerly known as technology free day. i thought i'd rename it to excite the boys. they were less than enthusiastic but rediscovered their inner chess skills, sorted out their bedrooms, folded washing, took rubbish out & ate ham rolls for lunch. that's as amish as we get. no fields to plough, no loom for weaving...they were rewarded with time back on technology late this afternoon. besides, i was exhausted & needed my amish arse on the couch with the laptop! but it is good to regularly remind them that things can be done without technology. i actually love these days & although they would never admit it, they get by without too many whinges. today they embraced it wholeheartedly.
i met my cleaner this morning & she won me over & appears mumsy in a good cleaner way. she said all the right a cleaner way. phew....i may just trust her to do the right thing...
and today has been amish day in our house....formerly known as technology free day. i thought i'd rename it to excite the boys. they were less than enthusiastic but rediscovered their inner chess skills, sorted out their bedrooms, folded washing, took rubbish out & ate ham rolls for lunch. that's as amish as we get. no fields to plough, no loom for weaving...they were rewarded with time back on technology late this afternoon. besides, i was exhausted & needed my amish arse on the couch with the laptop! but it is good to regularly remind them that things can be done without technology. i actually love these days & although they would never admit it, they get by without too many whinges. today they embraced it wholeheartedly.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
cushion love

i am trying to find inspiration for our bedroom that is in dire need of some styling....on a budget.
i am keen to frame some wallpaper of just stick some on an mdf board & hang over the bed. i have lots of empty walls to bring some life into.
and i have bedside tables to spray white. anyone ever used a sprayer for painting furniture? i am thinking of visiting my friendly bunnings guy soon for advice.
and i need to make a bedhead...maybe padded. maybe wall papered within a frame. maybe i don't have a clue....
but these things keep me awake at night. these & drafting the letter of complaint to my private hospital where i recently had my surgery....remember the $100 stolen while i was actually undergoing surgery? the male nurse thing is for another post.....lets just say no to equality here & leave them in their boy jobs...they are crap at actually caring for people! just let them climb the ladder already! like i said....for another post.
gin & the maid...
last night my soon to be cleaner calls me to arrange a meeting...all good, except i had already had 2 gin & tonics & our youngest is telling me the maid is on the phone. to him, this is a hotel & he figures it's about time the maid turned up.
anyhow, my help is asking if i mind if she brings her 9yo daughter i responded with well i wasn't really expecting that to happen...meaning, i am f%*&g paying you to clean, not for me to be your babysitter!! the gin helped to relax me & i think she got the message...that she needed to make other arrangements...
am i too harsh? if she had been my cleaner for a few years & she was stuck for a babysitter, then maybe i'd be ok. but i haven't even bloody met her yet....& i am paying her to clean right? what do you think?
anyhow, my help is asking if i mind if she brings her 9yo daughter i responded with well i wasn't really expecting that to happen...meaning, i am f%*&g paying you to clean, not for me to be your babysitter!! the gin helped to relax me & i think she got the message...that she needed to make other arrangements...
am i too harsh? if she had been my cleaner for a few years & she was stuck for a babysitter, then maybe i'd be ok. but i haven't even bloody met her yet....& i am paying her to clean right? what do you think?
lazy sunday
making french toast, bacon & eggs for brekkie
baking & eating sponge cake filled with jam & cream
baking coconut bread for added incentive to have better breakfasts
finishing a little arty project
being blissfully relaxed & losing track of the time
my sunday has been filled with lazy baking, irregular eating & loads of relaxing....perfect!
baking & eating sponge cake filled with jam & cream
baking coconut bread for added incentive to have better breakfasts
finishing a little arty project
being blissfully relaxed & losing track of the time
my sunday has been filled with lazy baking, irregular eating & loads of relaxing....perfect!
Friday, August 7, 2009
flamingo love...

watch dryspell gardening this week? remember my hotness that is brendan moar? see the funky garden he did for a seriously cool & kooky couple? totally loved it. see the flamingoes? no? well, never mind should have though!
found this today via twig&thistle & thought it was cute & unexpected. who knew that flamingoes would be the new cool thing in town?
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
i just read how auntycookie is outsourcing her cleaning. it's the new black. i have never had a cleaner before...not that i haven't wished & prayed for one....but i have someone coming in next week for the next few months. it was as though auntycookie was in my mind i swear.
friends have had cleaners.....some stories are great & others involve cleaners drinking all the alcohol in the house, stealing money & jewellery, having boyfriends over....i kid you not! but i am prepared to give it a go. there is very little alcohol in the house, no worthwhile jewellery lying around & i will give her enough jobs so she won't have time for the boyfriend. and i am hoping she irons too.....
any recommendations? i have gone through an agency a friend is using, so i am hoping it works out. i may want to keep her there's a thought!
friends have had cleaners.....some stories are great & others involve cleaners drinking all the alcohol in the house, stealing money & jewellery, having boyfriends over....i kid you not! but i am prepared to give it a go. there is very little alcohol in the house, no worthwhile jewellery lying around & i will give her enough jobs so she won't have time for the boyfriend. and i am hoping she irons too.....
any recommendations? i have gone through an agency a friend is using, so i am hoping it works out. i may want to keep her there's a thought!

double digits....& cross -stitch arse
i am finally in the dreaded double digits for the advent calendar....who would've believed it? number 12, you are in my sites.
the plan was to sew up these little embroidered bags, pop a treat inside & hang them from something....that was meant to happen last year. never mind. thankfully for me, christmas happens every year. yeah...
my embroidery skills are very basic & it takes me quite a while to do each number. i just trace around a kikki-k set of sticky numbers i bought (they happened to be a good size), sit, thread my needle & strain my eyes (the contact lenses need to be even stronger i am sure).
i live in fear of developing cross-stitch arse....every lovely woman i know who cross stitches, has quite the ample arse. no judgements. just an cross stitch is not my thing - just saying - but i imagine if i finally finish 24 of these bags, my arse will be huge because it is impossible to sit & stitch without tea & biscuits.....
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
remember how i am redoing my eldest's room....redoing is probably the wrong word. it never really got decorated in the first place, so we are starting at the beginning.
well, we are getting there. we settled on the redblackwhite colour scheme & it looks fresh & cool. he has a serious set up coming together up there. so far, i have stuck to my budget. ikea is a's just that the putting together part of ikea stuff always takes us an eternity to get done.
i am trying to bum a lift to officeworks this week to get the clipboards & desk accessories i need ....thanks clare at mondocherry for the source of her clipboards!
this baby of ours turned 13 yesterday & we celebrated by taking him for a nice dinner on saturday night @ kingsleys. he loves his steak (& they have prawns & crab for us non-cow-munching peeps) & had the best birthday dinner ever! they made just the right amount of fuss over him & were fantastic! later, my man & i cried some happy, proud tears & felt amazed at how quickly the years have passed.......but i am the proudest mum ever & am just loving how this young man is turning out....his brother is (& always has been) more of a challenge shall we say....but he is pretty cool too though.....they are impossible to compare (& who'd want to) & are so different in every way - i feel so blessed to have them both in my life & i try to never take it for granted. these guys are what make my life worthwhile. they make my heart sing!
i feel blessed that he is 13 & talks - not grunts- to me about everything (for how long, i am unsure), has a great sense of humour, is kind & considerate of others & is happy & healthy....& is already planning his gap year! travelling is in his genes!! go for it kiddo...
well, we are getting there. we settled on the redblackwhite colour scheme & it looks fresh & cool. he has a serious set up coming together up there. so far, i have stuck to my budget. ikea is a's just that the putting together part of ikea stuff always takes us an eternity to get done.
i am trying to bum a lift to officeworks this week to get the clipboards & desk accessories i need ....thanks clare at mondocherry for the source of her clipboards!
this baby of ours turned 13 yesterday & we celebrated by taking him for a nice dinner on saturday night @ kingsleys. he loves his steak (& they have prawns & crab for us non-cow-munching peeps) & had the best birthday dinner ever! they made just the right amount of fuss over him & were fantastic! later, my man & i cried some happy, proud tears & felt amazed at how quickly the years have passed.......but i am the proudest mum ever & am just loving how this young man is turning out....his brother is (& always has been) more of a challenge shall we say....but he is pretty cool too though.....they are impossible to compare (& who'd want to) & are so different in every way - i feel so blessed to have them both in my life & i try to never take it for granted. these guys are what make my life worthwhile. they make my heart sing!
i feel blessed that he is 13 & talks - not grunts- to me about everything (for how long, i am unsure), has a great sense of humour, is kind & considerate of others & is happy & healthy....& is already planning his gap year! travelling is in his genes!! go for it kiddo...
too cute

this is too cute not to share....go here....pity the postage is more than the item.
i have been trawling the internet this afternoon...a bit like window shopping. i overdid it at chermside on the that place is i am resting up a bit today, having coffee with friends popping in & chatting on the phone. such luxury to just hang about!
i am also acting as my man's p.a. & researching hotels for his bangkok trip this month....not so much fun when i am not tagging along i can tell you. i did get a little side tracked & started researching a family holiday to hong kong....way too much time on my hands!!
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