telstra shits me totally. i have a long history of them shitting me actually. most recently, after 2 years & many emails & phonecalls, they still don't have our address right on the whitepages. they do however manage to post the bill to the correct address. don't even get me started!
so, i am on a mission...well, i need cf on the mission but i will yell the orders!
i don't think we need a landline any more. anyone else done away with this?
with more options for internet now, i am sure we can do without it. we both have mobiles & cf has a frigging blackberry (that i would like to throw in the pool at times), i have a laptop (technically since i spilled tea all through the keyboard it doesn't work unless it is plugged in...so more of a tabletop than a laptop) & cf has a work laptop - that works anywhere. we have foxtel. no idea how that works. i just turn it on & it works...see why i need cf on the mission?
so, i joined skype last night. i usually buy a cheap phonecard online for when cf is os. but i thought i'd check skype out. i was sooo clever & managed to download & started calling within 10 minutes. i have the children's computer headphones that work & i speak into the tabletop/general area (no idea how/where it works but it does). the conversation was clearer than any other os call i have made & i can sms as well - at half the price of my mobile!
for comparison - calls using my phonecard to a landline in png (a very $$ country to ring i might add) were between 65c & 95c/min. using skype it is 24c per minute to cf's blackberry & sms were 11c each. telstra charge $1000/min - well, they probably do...
peeps, sign up for skype. you get free calls to other skype peeps!! what's to lose? i used my paypal account to pay as you go to test the waters. trust me, if i can download & manage to work it out in minutes, so can you. my cat could probably do it!
i am now going to buy a webcam for more real convo...cf thinks it may have other untold benefits...but he is a boy!
so, i am on a mission...well, i need cf on the mission but i will yell the orders!
i don't think we need a landline any more. anyone else done away with this?
with more options for internet now, i am sure we can do without it. we both have mobiles & cf has a frigging blackberry (that i would like to throw in the pool at times), i have a laptop (technically since i spilled tea all through the keyboard it doesn't work unless it is plugged in...so more of a tabletop than a laptop) & cf has a work laptop - that works anywhere. we have foxtel. no idea how that works. i just turn it on & it works...see why i need cf on the mission?
so, i joined skype last night. i usually buy a cheap phonecard online for when cf is os. but i thought i'd check skype out. i was sooo clever & managed to download & started calling within 10 minutes. i have the children's computer headphones that work & i speak into the tabletop/general area (no idea how/where it works but it does). the conversation was clearer than any other os call i have made & i can sms as well - at half the price of my mobile!
for comparison - calls using my phonecard to a landline in png (a very $$ country to ring i might add) were between 65c & 95c/min. using skype it is 24c per minute to cf's blackberry & sms were 11c each. telstra charge $1000/min - well, they probably do...
peeps, sign up for skype. you get free calls to other skype peeps!! what's to lose? i used my paypal account to pay as you go to test the waters. trust me, if i can download & manage to work it out in minutes, so can you. my cat could probably do it!
i am now going to buy a webcam for more real convo...cf thinks it may have other untold benefits...but he is a boy!
photo - fabric i bought from alittlegoodness when closing down. cute japanese cotton.
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