i'd like a daughter for a few days....to dress up in funky leggings and tunic (with groovy boots in this rainy weather), to have babycinnos with, to braid her hair, to talk about weddings, to sew together, to do real mummy-daughter stuff. then when she screams, slams doors, wears too much makeup, becomes hormonal & tells me she hates me, i would give her back to her real mother....boys do have a few advantages.
this gorgeous crafty project was found over a bloesemkids & i thought it was so cute. check her link to the shop. what a cute idea & a great project for a mum & daughter.......
my boys asked me a few years ago if i ever wished i'd had a girl....no i said. i am soooo happy with my boys. they were pleased & then said i could adopt a girl from china if i did want a girl....so sweet. they meant it....i am just trying to get them to appreciate girls & that we are different. i hope to be training them well for their future girlfriends....boys who are patient, caring, respectful, thoughtful & sensitive....so far so good. they are great students. but they are not into sewing or braids......anyone have a girl i can borrow just for a day?
I was SO convinced I was having a boy, when Mac was born, I kid you not it took me THREE DAYS for it to sink in! Not being a girly girl myself, I wasn't sure what to do with one. But now I'm delighting in all the things you talk about. I grew up surrounded by boys so it is like I'm discovering all these things myself for the first time :)