i am a dreamer full of half-baked ideas & unfinished projects. it's my life & i love it. welcome to my journey...
Sunday, May 31, 2009
man flu
he has not grown a tail yet, so we are safe. will keep you posted though.
i have just been baking. check my other blog here for the goss.
be back soon for crafty update. monopoly game awaits...
Thursday, May 28, 2009
too sweet

Monday, May 25, 2009
shaggy rug high & dry
telstra shit me - i'm now a skype girl

so, i am on a mission...well, i need cf on the mission but i will yell the orders!
i don't think we need a landline any more. anyone else done away with this?
with more options for internet now, i am sure we can do without it. we both have mobiles & cf has a frigging blackberry (that i would like to throw in the pool at times), i have a laptop (technically since i spilled tea all through the keyboard it doesn't work unless it is plugged in...so more of a tabletop than a laptop) & cf has a work laptop - that works anywhere. we have foxtel. no idea how that works. i just turn it on & it works...see why i need cf on the mission?
so, i joined skype last night. i usually buy a cheap phonecard online for when cf is os. but i thought i'd check skype out. i was sooo clever & managed to download & started calling within 10 minutes. i have the children's computer headphones that work & i speak into the tabletop/general area (no idea how/where it works but it does). the conversation was clearer than any other os call i have made & i can sms as well - at half the price of my mobile!
for comparison - calls using my phonecard to a landline in png (a very $$ country to ring i might add) were between 65c & 95c/min. using skype it is 24c per minute to cf's blackberry & sms were 11c each. telstra charge $1000/min - well, they probably do...
peeps, sign up for skype. you get free calls to other skype peeps!! what's to lose? i used my paypal account to pay as you go to test the waters. trust me, if i can download & manage to work it out in minutes, so can you. my cat could probably do it!
i am now going to buy a webcam for more real convo...cf thinks it may have other untold benefits...but he is a boy!
don't call me tamar...

Friday, May 22, 2009
family photo
50percent driftwood
projects & lists
- do my driftwood hanging...i went to the trouble of collecting the wood when we went to kingscliff & had grand ideas
- finish my advent calendar...i started it in october for last year but only got to 9. i had the bright idea of embroidering each letter....if i start now, i may get it done for this year.
- make a pin cushion...i keep getting injured digging into my tin
- make a little b'day gift for friend's b'day in july...cannot mention what i have in mind as she may finally get around to reading this blog
- get new baby gift sorted for teacher at school. i have what i need, just need to actually do it!
- start my quilt for the couch...well, i need 2 but i cannot start 2 can i? you know, the amy butler one....note i didn't say finish the quilt...and mine will be a version of this one...i hope
- make a freaking bird house...and if i actually get this done (will be a miracle) i will make a freaking bird to go in it...and no one will be allowed to touch it either!
so, i am off to the garage to find the drill & drfitwood. it sure beats ironing!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
retirement home

i've seen this in a mag recently & it has won a big award. now it is for sale if you have a cool 7.5 million. check it out here.
tamar bird houses

what drought?
i had quite a trip home yesterday with all the flooded roads & chaos as everyone was trying to leave the city. my cruisy 30 minute trip became a 90 minute crawl of patience. one of the car parks at work was waist deep in water with all of the cars trapped. cf thought i was exaggerating until he saw the news last night. apparently i tend to exaggerate some times. i like words like always, everywhere, everyone....
lustworthy bird house

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sunday, May 17, 2009
gifts,friends,rug guy,cops & bleeding nipples

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
ebay karma

Monday, May 11, 2009
no medication required
- gifts for school - check
- cushions for bed - check
- clutch for wedding - check
boy, it has been a huge week. and thrown into the mix - a wedding (beautiful), mother's day (ahhh) & missing out on a rug on ebay by $1 - a story for another day.
the clutch went without a hitch. amazing for me i can tell you. i kept it simple & it went perfectly. great size, great fabric, great to finish something!
the wedding - just beautiful. really special. the boys were amazingly behaved & they made me very proud.
then out to brunch at tenneriffe for mother's day - delish! then home for a very lazy afternoon & takeaway dinner. i scored some great gifts......a handstamped necklace with the boys' names & birthstone crystals from here. and i got my pinking shears!! and slippers. and got to be totally lazy all day. i even managed to sew my cushions for my bed & they look great.
but today.....i have loads to catch up on. better get to it. and i am avoiding ebay.......promise!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
wedding day

i am so excited for our special friends. he was our best man 14 years ago & she i have only known for 10 months but it feels like a lifetime. you know the sort of friends....
speaking of friends. i have the most amazing friends in the world. one in particular is the most amazing woman i know. she has been close to my heart of late in a way she may never truly know or understand. i am so blessed to be surrounded by some amazing women. in a household full of boys, it is the women in my life that fill something else in me & give me something every time i spend time with them. i have learnt alot about myself this last month & alot about other people too. i have popped out the other side stronger & thankful for everything in my life. it is a journey & i am doing my best to give it all i've got.
girl friends, i cannot put into words how much you mean to me. it is not that simple. words seems so inadequate. i hope to give something to your journey the way you have given to mine.
you have blessed me with so much & for that i thank you from my heart. i wouldn't be here without you! i love you & feel so lucky....xxx
Sunday, May 3, 2009
tea bag wallet & midwifery skills
bipolar sewing

i have sooo many grand plans for some little projects & have a mountain of fabric around me. I have to prioritise though or i will need to be medicated to achieve it all.
here's the list:
- finish tea bag wallets for school mother's day stall
- make labels for wallets & heat packs
- package up the chocolates & other goodies i am donating for the stall
- make clutch purse for wedding
- make cami for new witchery top that jumped in my bag when i was buying the dress for the wedding
- make cushions for my bed with fabric i bought from here at craft fair
- decide which amy butler quilt i am going to make & sort the fabric out. check out her designs here. The patterns are all free. i have printed 2 off....august fields & lotus brick path
- make a little something for a friend's birthday. i know just the project & i have 10 weeks for that one. phew!
so, my list is long. there are lots of fiddly bits....i need to design the purse pattern first and then cut into some gorgeous lace i found yesterday at spotlight. it is metalic silver fine lace & might look fab over some plain black fabric....we'll see. it was $4, so if it ends up in the corner, the boys still get to eat. no promises on the clutch ever eventuating btw. i am a realist now.
i only have until tuesday to have all the gifts sorted for some lucky mums. i decided to make extra & donate them for the teacher to give quietly for the children who may have nothing for their mums next weekend. many families are doing it tough & i wanted to quietly contribute. only the teacher knows it is me, so i feel a little like santa....& it feels great to give.
more on the tea wallet fiasco to come.......
Friday, May 1, 2009
lavender & lace make me vomit
but OMG there was sooo much lace and country style quilting. i was a baby compared to most crafty peeps there. and i am over 40 now!
i learned some quilting from these masters & so have great respect for their knowledge & skill. but please can we have more mod shit here please????
i did find a few stalls with my sorta style. bought some heather bailey fq's from here and these helpful ladies were great. they tell me they have cool stuff in their shop at toowong...i also bought the new real living mag (half price) & some yummy fabric from here. it was a relief to find some of the owners of blogs i check in on regularly. i was too shy to reveal myself as a stalker. i am not normally described as shy, so i am sure my friends & family would die of laughter reading that!! i had just a little cash to spend as i have been buying up a fabric storm of late. so i was restrained. for me.
i saw some gorgeous little bird houses that i have admired online before & now i just have to have one...i will chase one down from somewhere. nerida is sure to know where to get one. she might have even posted about them before.....she has been my go-to girl for most things bloggy of late.....she always comes up with the goods too.
photos when weather improves & sun shining...
today i found a little joy, so that is good....i needed some joy today.