i am also hooked on the twilight series...don't ask why. i cannot explain....maybe it is my adolescent brain making a comeback...i escape into a world of vampires each night before bed...and i am sleeping better than ever now...wtf???
in other randomness....
- i cannot buy enough danish feta to keep me happy
- i am totally addicted to the biggest loser - i cry each episode and am so proud of their achievements. i put on 30kgs each pregnancy (and i am 5ft 2)...i feel their pain! they inspire me. and no, don't panic...i don't roll around the halls anymore
- basil is my best friend - in pasta, frittatas, salads...you get the idea
- cooking magazines and books....if only i cooked more.
- wagamama - i have eaten here 3 times in about 6 weeks. it is heaven. a definite addiction
ok it is board game time with my boys...i am off to build a hotel empire with aquire. cool game for adults too! and addictive!
my fav mags are Real Living, Frankie and Marie Claire Idees (French). Yum.